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The Golden Blade

Wynstones Press has a selection of back issues from The Golden Blade available for sale.

The aim of The Golden Blade was to bring the outlook of Anthroposophy to bear on questions and activities of evident relevance to the present, in a way which may have lasting value. It was founded in 1949 by Charles Davy and Arnold Freeman, who were its first editors, and continued every year until 2009.

The title derives from an old Persian legend, according to which King Djemjdid received from his God, Ahura Mazdao, a golden blade with which to fulfil his mission on Earth. It carried the heavenly forces of light into the darkness of earthly substance, thus allowing its transformation. The legend seems to point to the possibility that man, through wise and compassionate work with the Earth, can one day regain on a new level what was lost when the Age of Gold was supplanted by those of Silver, Bronze and Iron. Technology could serve this aim; instead of endangering our planet's life, it could help to make the Earth a new Sun.




The Golden Blade 2009 Time and Eternity
The Golden Blade 2008 Pathways to Healing
The Golden Blade 2007 Perspectives on the Threshold
The Golden Blade 2006 Charting the Void
The Golden Blade 2005 Language: Symptom and Servant of Culture
The Golden Blade 2004 Together at the Table of Brotherhood
The Golden Blade 2003 Stillness in the Storm
The Golden Blade 2002 Kindling Spirit
The Golden Blade 2001 Trumpet to the Morn
The Golden Blade 2000 Light on Life
The Golden Blade 1999 Together on Earth
The Golden Blade 1998 Working with Destiny II