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Home :: Books :: Books: Alphabetical list :: Rudolf Steiner and the Masters of Esoteric Christianity

Rudolf Steiner and the Masters of Esoteric Christianity

Rudolf Steiner and the Masters of Esoteric Christianity

Rudolf Steiner and the Masters of Esoteric Christianity
by Sergei Prokofieff

Continuing from his first book Rudolf Steiner and the Founding of the New Mysteries, Sergei Prokofieff researches the working of seven Masters of esoteric Christianity: Manes, Master Jesus, Scythianos, Gautama Buddha, The Maitreya Bodhisattva, Novalis and Christian Rosenkreutz. In this profound study he shows how the Masters have guided humanity over millennia, their working with Rudolf Steiner and the founding of anthroposophy, with particular reference to the Christ Being and the events at the Turning Point of Time.  Also considered are particular aspects of Rudolf Steiner’s own development and Initiation, his founding of the new mysteries during the Christmas Conference of 1923–24, and Rudolf Steiner’s own position within the circle of Masters.

Following the death of the translator and other obstacles, this book was never published within Sergei Prokofieff’s lifetime, and the publishing of it has only now become possible following the completion of its translation from the original Russian.

‘What has for nearly two millennia belonged only to a narrow circle of Christian initiates can, thanks to anthroposophy, from our time onwards become accessible to every person of good will who wants to understand through it the “intentions of the living Christ”, in order out of freedom to further their fulfilment on the Earth.  As a result, it has for the first time become possible for human beings to unite their spiritual aims with the spiritual aims of the leading Masters of esoteric Christianity and, on this path, to enter the circle of the true “friends of God”.’


I        The Masters of Esoteric Christianity

1.         Rudolf Steiner and the Theosophical Society

2.         Seven Masters of Esoteric Christianity 
            (i)        Manes
            (ii)       Zarathustra (Master Jesus)
            (iii)      Scythianos
            (iv)      Gautama Buddha
            (v)       The Maitreya Bodhisattva
            (vi)      Novalis
            (vii)     Christian Rosenkreutz

3.         Christian Rosenkreutz – the Guardian of Mankind

4.         The Heptagram of the Masters

II        Rudolf Steiner as a Master of Wisdom and of the Harmony of Feelings

1.         Rudolf Steiner and the Masters of Esoteric Christianity

2.         The Identification or Evolution of the Individual Ego

3.         The Occult Foundations of The Philosophy of Freedom

4.         Regarding the Question of the Nature of a Bodhisattva

5.         The Spiritual Individuality of Rudolf Steiner
            (i)        The Michael Mysteries
            (ii)       The Sophia Mysteries
            (iii)      The Christ Mysteries
            (iv)      The Archetypal Phenomenon of Rudolf Steiner’s Initiation
            (v)       Three Spiritual Calls
            (vi)      The Decisive Intermediate Incarnation
            (vii)     Reports of Contemporary Eyewitnesses

6.         The Mystery Name of Rudolf Steiner

7.         The Heavenly Jerusalem and the Masters of Esoteric Christianity

III      Regarding the Nature of Rudolf Steiner’s Initiation

1.         The Appearance of Christ in the Etheric and the Spiritual Powers that Serve Him

2.         The Bodhisattva Mystery in the Light of Spiritual Science

3.         The Essential Nature of Rudolf Steiner’s Initiation

Appendix: A Particular Aspect of the Influence of the Masters




A Wynstones Press title
416 pages.
24 x 16 cms. 9 x 6 inches.
ISBN 9780946206827


Product Code: WP6827
Weight 1010.00 gm
Price: £30.00