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Home :: Books :: Sergei O. Prokofieff :: Time Journeys - A Counter-image to Anthroposophical Spiritual Research

Time Journeys - A Counter-image to Anthroposophical Spiritual Research

Time Journeys - A Counter-image to Anthroposophical Spiritual Research

'Time Journeys' - A Counter-image to Anthroposophical Spiritual Research
by Sergei Prokofieff

In our time there exist in the world various occult, religious and mystical streams. Some of these have long since incorporated themselves into the Anthroposophical Society; others have done so only recently. This gives rise to a vital, perhaps even decisive question for the future of the anthroposophical movement: How do such streams relate to Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual science, and to what extent is their blending with anthroposophy justified?
One such stream, which has more than a few supporters within the anthroposophical movement, is here analysed in the light of this question. The facts cited here may form the basis for an independent judgment on the part of the reader.

In this concise study Sergei Prokofieff addresses the nature of spiritual scientific research as well as a number of central Christological themes. Subjects discussed include:

• The significance of our individual relation to Christ;
• Taking personal responsibility for our misdeeds whilst Christ takes upon Himself “the Sin of the World” (Jn. 1:29);
• The spiritual scientific approach in comparison to religion and faith.
• The modern path of initiation outlined by Rudolf Steiner and the corresponding direction of development into higher stages of consciousness progressively freed from physical sense-impressions;
• The moral-spiritual “Sun”-nature of the Christ Being.
• The Moon sphere and the obstacles it presents to achieving clarity in spiritual perceptions;
• The nature of matter and substance in relation to the Grail chalice;
• The role of Christ in the “Raising of Lazarus” and the question of the magical contravention of natural laws;
• The nature of the Resurrected Phantom of Christ and the paths Rudolf Steiner described toward achieving an individual relation to it.

A superficial assessment of this work by Sergei Prokofieff would believe it to be directed at individual personalities. A deeper consideration, however, reveals the value of this book as a guide to measuring one’s own spiritual perceptions against the rigorous criteria laid out by Rudolf Steiner, and for maintaining the discernment necessary if we are to recognise the invalidity of the many spurious spiritual claims that surround us in this day and age.

‘Time-Journeys’ – A Counter-image to Anthroposophical Spiritual Research is a response to the book by Peter Tradowsky: ‘The Stigmata - Destiny as a Question of Knowledge’, which was itself a response to the appendix: ‘The Forces of the Phantom and Stigmatization’ included in the book by Sergei Prokofieff: ‘The Mystery of the Resurrection in the Light of Anthroposophy’ (Published in English by Temple Lodge, 2010).

A Wynstones Press title
156 pages.
210 x 150 mm. 8 x 6 inches.
ISBN 9780946206742


Product Code: WP6742
Weight 310.00 gm
Price: £12.50